<div class="input-group">
    <label for="">Text Area</label>
    <textarea id="" name="" placeholder="Content goes here."></textarea>
    <p class="input-group__description">Description for this text area.</p>
<div class="input-group{% if inverse %} input-group--inverse{% endif %}{% if textarea.modifiers %}{% for modifier in textarea.modifiers %} input-group--{{ modifier }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}">
	<label for="{{ textarea.name }}">{{ label }}{% if textarea.error %} (Error){% elseif textarea.disabled %} (Disabled){% endif %}</label>
	<textarea id="{{ textarea.name }}" name="{{ textarea.name }}" placeholder="{{ placeholder }}"{% if textarea.disabled %} disabled{% endif %}>{% if textarea.error %}{{ errorValue | safe }}{% endif %}</textarea>
	{% if textarea.error %}<p class="input-group__error">{% render '@svg', {svg: 'error'}, true %}{{ errorMessage | safe }}</p>{% endif %}
	<p class="input-group__description">{{ description }}</p>
  "label": "Text Area",
  "name": "text",
  "description": "Description for this text area.",
  "placeholder": "Content goes here.",
  "errorMessage": "Sorry, that appears to be incorrect.",
  "errorValue": "Incorrect input"

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